School pride starts here
Fan Central
Our websites empower you to provide an exceptional fan experience while optimizing your operations. Fan Central integrates with Schedule Star and requires no design expertise or IT support, making updates a breeze.
Why Fan Central?

Schedules and rosters seamlessly sync to the Fan Central website in real time, eliminating the need for manual entry and ensuring accurate information for fans.

Fan engagement
With social media integration and personalized content management, Fan Central allows schools to engage fans in real-time, fostering a sense of community and school spirit.

Centralized data
Fan Central provides a centralized hub for all athletic information, making it convenient for fans to access schedules, updates, and team news in one place.

Cost effective
Fan Central offers banner sponsorships and custom advertising tools, allowing schools to generate additional revenue while supporting their athletic programs.

Fan Central is accessible across various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops, ensuring fans can stay connected wherever they are.

Easy to use
The platform is designed with an intuitive interface, making it easy for fans of all ages to navigate and find the information they need.